And you thought any Tom, Dick and Harry could file a case against any seller?
Not really!
If you are living in one of the states that have the benefit of Lemon Law for the customers, consider yourself lucky; it also means that you have met the first criteria to be eligible to recover under this law!
But wait a minute... just because you have got a car that's not up to the mark and your state allows you to enjoy the benefit of Lemon Law doesn't mean you can contact any lawyer and get the compensation against the car; you need to meet the following criteria:
• The car must be covered under warranty; if your seller has given you warranty of the car, you can place a case against him, if the quality doesn't meet your expectations.
• If the car doesn't seem to be getting repaired, despite the number of attempts and the amount of efforts you put into it, you are eligible to get a new car. Well, there is absolutely no point in getting over excited because you really have to work hard to prove that you tried getting the car repaired a lot of times, but it is just not happening!
• If the car doesn't seem to be safe enough for you and you are not able to find the reason behind the same, you are eligible to get a new car under the Lemon Law. However, if the court doesn't find any problem with the car that you have purchased, don't even expect to fool it!
• If the problem doesn't seem to be ending at all, you can call yourself eligible to be a part of the group that enjoys this law. You need to prove that you are unable to handle the 'issue' in the car.
Once you meet most of the above mentioned criteria, you find out whether you are eligible to get the Lemon Law benefits or not. If you think your car is giving a lot of problems to you, it is time for you to take your situation to a nice and professional lawyer, who has been in the field for several years. No doubt it is good to give a chance to the new lawyers since they are affordable as well, it doesn't mean you should risk the case. Remember - only a nice and well-skilled lawyer can help you get the 'lemon' if you really want to.
On the other hand, if the attorney is not good enough, he can never win the case for you.