
Blog (Page 21)

Should We Stay Together for the Kids or Divorce?

This is an age old question without a clear cut answer. The truth is that all marriages are different. So you need to find out whether the kids would actually be better off living in a home where mum and dad are in constant conflict or where they are happy but not living together. You need to answer a few questions before you take your final decision. Are there any risks involved in staying together? Kids can pick up negative habits:... ❯❯❯

Different Credit Laws That Governs A Loan

When you are in need of money and wish to apply for a loan to any bank or a financial institution it is not that you fill up the form online and offline and expect the money to be in your bank account the next morning. The lenders have to abide by the different credit laws that are designed and implemented by both state and federal governments. These laws actually oversee the entire lending process as well as govern other important... ❯❯❯

Follow The Laws And Stay Within It To Repay Your Debts

The law allows you to take on a loan for any purpose whether it is for any personal reason or to buy a consumer durable, to fund your child’s education or marriage, arrange capital for your business and even pay off your medical bills. The law also puts a responsibility on you to repay the amount borrowed to the creditor along with an interest. Failing to repay will fetch legal obligations and punitive penalties and even a lawsuit... ❯❯❯

Exercise Your Legal Right To Check Your Credit Report For Free

It is not only embarrassing but is also very disheartening to find your loan request rejected due to your low credit which you did not check before. Whether you apply for a fresh loan or for consolidating your existing debts it is always recommended that you check your credit score first before you apply. What is more, you are permitted by the law to get a copy of your credit report and that too for free. Therefore, there is no reason... ❯❯❯

Important Questions to Ask Your Lawyer about Debt Consolidation

Despite the fact the credit card debt is far from being cheap, Americans continue to swipe their cards as if there is no tomorrow. Total revolving debt, according to, in 2018 stood at over $1.04 trillion with credit card interest and fees in excess of $104 billion in a 12-month period under study. Not surprisingly, the number of people who have trouble managing their credit card debts is huge. Many of them have... ❯❯❯

What Is Debt Consolidation and How to Protect Your Rights When the Debt Collector Calls?

With most Americans spending sleepless nights trying to pay even the minimum due amounts on their credit cards; it is not unnatural that debt management and relief are high on the agenda of many. Terms like debt consolidation, debt settlement, and bankruptcy are rife but often little understood or misunderstood as stressed Americans try to avoid harassment by debt collection agents. A brief look in what debt consolidation entails and... ❯❯❯

Is a personal attorney reliable - Should you hire their services?

Nowadays, most of the people are experiencing accidents which are life-threatening. If you are one who is suffering from any complicated injury due to the accidents, then one should consider a personal attorney who will handle the case. A professional will able to provide compensation to you according to professionals, before handling the case to any lawyer one should discuss the current situation of the case and other important... ❯❯❯

The best way of getting compensation in case of personal injury

Getting injured is never a pleasant feeling. However when that injury is caused by the fault of someone else directly or indirectly, then it only adds more sorrow to the pain. It is quite a traumatic experience when a person suffers from an injury. Depending on the kind and extent of injury the time for recovery varies. In some cases, injuries can disable a person permanently and might negatively affect the quality of life. This is... ❯❯❯

How to Hire the Best Business Lawyer

Today or tomorrow, your business will require legal counsel. There is no denying the fact. Now, a commercial lawyer can prove as an asset to your concern or misguide you, leading you to disastrous consequences. All depend on the kind of attorney you appoint. The choice is yours. If you do not have much experience dealing with lawyers, the process may seem a little intimidating initially. When you know what issues needs a resolution,... ❯❯❯

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When You Get Arrested

Getting arrested can be a very stressful experience for both you and your loved ones. Many times, it happens unexpectedly, thereby leaving you with little time to react. Feelings of confusion and panic can flood your mind, especially if it is your first time behind bars. However, it is very important for you to try your best to remain calm even during this difficult situation. Here are some common mistakes that you should avoid when... ❯❯❯

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