
Blog (Page 29)

Are Pre-Paid Legal Services a Good Idea?

Are Pre-Paid Legal Services a Good Idea?Nearly everyone has been exposed to offers for pre-paid legal services at one time or another. While the United States has more lawyers than any other country in the world (and more lawsuits, too), pre-paid legal plans have never become very popular here. They are quite popular in Europe, however. Are they a good thing? Are they a scam? It really depends on what type of legal services you're likely to use. Read on and see if it makes... ❯❯❯

Does My Dog Have Rights? Why Do Courts Value Pets As Property?

We love our pets. They welcome us home with love and kisses, we consider them family, and Americans spend billions of dollars on them yearly - specifically $61 billion. With so much love for our furry friends, why haven't our laws kept up to speed with how we value our pets should something go wrong? It may surprise some people to hear this, but cats and dogs are considered simple property in the eyes of the law with no additional... ❯❯❯

5 Things to Consider While Building a Remote Legal Team

5 Things to Consider While Building a Remote Legal TeamThe immense growth of online productivity tools and the emergence of virtual office culture are breaking down the traditional geographical barriers. The latest technological advancements allow businesses to become distributed and operate efficiently from anywhere in the world. Moreover, when an existing in-house team is overburdened, building a remote team always becomes a suitable option for most businesses. Setting up and managing... ❯❯❯

How Home Insurance Lawyers Can Help Resolve Your Case

Terri-Lynn Robinson's entire life was turned upside down when a dispute with her ex-husband went disastrously wrong. As he packed to move out, he decided to take revenge. He retrieved a BBQ lighter and lit the entire length of their bed skirt on fire. With her in the room. Within minutes, her bedroom went up in flames. While Terri was able to escape, her home and life were in shambles. Her house, an object of arson, was uninhabitable.... ❯❯❯

DUI Lawyer - What They Do

DUI Lawyer - What They DoDUI stands for Driving Under the Influence but in some states it is called DWI, Driving While Intoxicated. There are strict laws in all of fifty states for those that are caught doing driving when they are intoxicated. If you are stopped for suspicious behavior the law enforcement officer can do a field sobriety test if the drive has slurred speech, has a strong odor of alcohol on them or general incoherence. They can also ask... ❯❯❯

The Top Business Lawyers Mean Business

The law also protects consumers from business monopolies, malpractices, price fixing, and other issues. As a business owner, you need to know about the laws regarding your business type, whether it is a small venture, a franchise, a partnership, or a corporation. There exist several legal considerations. The choices you make while setting up a business influence your business management, operations, finances, taxes, profits, and... ❯❯❯

Preparing For A Lie Detector Test - The Dos

The lie detector test is very common, especially where police investigations are involved. There are however very many other situations where the tests can be applied, including in job application, especially government jobs and during investigations at the place of work. Some couples also opt for the tests when they are uncertain about the aspects in their relationships and feel the only way to get closure is by putting their partners... ❯❯❯

Steps of Inheritance Probate

We all have to go, sooner or later. And many of us choose to leave more than memories to the loved ones. This is why making a will and specifying the inheritors has become of utmost importance. If you care about your spouse and children, make sure that their future is secured long after you are gone. Before receiving any money and access to estate, the beneficiaries will have to wait for the probate process to finish and the inheritance... ❯❯❯

How to Ensure Your Winding Up Petition Is Not Dismissed or Withdrawn

Some time ago, we presented a winding up petition to a company that owed one of our clients £50k. Upon receipt, the respondent company threatened to apply for a court injunction to restrain us from proceeding and dismiss the petition on the grounds the debt was disputed. The respondent company falsely alleged that £49k of the debt was disputed, but in accordance with section 123 of the Insolvency Act 1986, the petition remained in... ❯❯❯

5 Easy Steps To Obtain a Grant of Probate

When disposing of an estate, you will sometimes need to obtain a document called a Grant of Probate, or, depending on the situation Letters of Administration. If needed, this document is an official statement to asset and debt holders, informing them that you are the executor in charge of distributing the assets and paying off the debts. It allows them to communicate with you, safe in the knowledge that they are resolving the estate... ❯❯❯

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